台湾E34クラブ − はじめての遭遇
Taiwan E34 Club - The first contact
I am coming in Taiwan on my business and the schedule on the last day has been cancelled so that I sent an email to Mr.K. As the result, I could meet some of Taiwan E34 club members. Unfortunately Mr.K had to work until today's early morning so that it seemed to be a little difficult to see him. Anyway, they planned to pick me up at 10:00 at the hotel where I stayed10時まえには、3台のE34がホテルの前に現れた。
At shortly before 10:00, three of E34 appeared in front of the hotel.
After my brief introduction, I got a ride and started moving.
After 10 minute drive, we arrived at Starbucks.
Some of the members had already gathered in Starbucks.
I nervously introduced myself, and I was impressed that some of them had accessed my web site. I was treated for my cafe latte.
After talking various matters for a while, we moved to the parking lot where E34s had been parked. These E34s are three of cars which came to the hotel to pick me up.
They were chatting aroud the cars as well as Japan (laugh).
Here I introduce some of E34. This is David's 520i.
Its engine and transmission is still original.
Thevulgercar of red E34 with smoke tail lamps is Eddie's 540i.
トランクリッドの左側には「Club of The E34」の文字が。横から見るとこんな感じ。エアロはツェンダーだ。
There is a text of "Club of The E34" on the left of the trunk lid. The side view is as follows. The aero parts (body part) is ZENDER.
I got a ride in this car from the hotel to Starbucks. I found this equipment installed in the outlet of airconditioning in the center console.
Information such as oil pressure is shown on the display installed at the left outlet. By the way, the transmission of this car had been converted to 6 speed.次の車は、Sean LinさんのE34。Mテクのエアロがいい感じだ!
The next is Sean Lin's E34. The M technique aero parts were cool!
This car had installed 3.0 liter M54 engine with supercharger. In Taiwan, many people converted their engines and transmissions.
He said he had never measured the power, but he thought it had 260-270 HP.下のオックスフォードグリーンのE34は、Wolfie Leeさんの車だ。
The oxford green E34 below is Wolfie Lee's car.
The engine was converted to 3.2 liter S50 engine of M3. We can not distinguish it from M50 engine apparently.
Of course, the transmission was also converted to a manual transmission. So that matter we have also such a guy in Japan.
赤い540ツーリングは、Rome Hboさんの車だ。ヘッドライトがイエローのHELLA。フランス仕様か?
The red 540 touring is Rome Hbo's car. The headlights are yellow HELLAs. Is it French specification?
The engine is 4.0 liter V8.
It has vertically holding type of door mirrors.
さて、そうこうしているうちに昼近くになってきたので、昼食のレストランへ車で移動。今回の移動はSean Linさんの車に乗せてもらった。
It was around noon, so that we moved by car to a restaurant for lunch. I got a ride in Sean Lin's car this time.
We parked our cars in the underground parking lot close to the restaurant.
A short walk took us to the restaurant specialized in prawns.
The dishes served here were delicious!
Especially the pepper prawns roasted in a pot was excellent!
Chicken and bitter melon soup was excellent too.
I was treated also here. I was so welcomed beyond what I am.... And after the lunch, I got presents from Mr.K. A memorial picture of us with holding the presents.
貰ったものは3種類。E34 CLUBと書いたシートベルトカバー。
I got three kinds of presents. These are seatbelt covers with "E34 CLUB".
The video of miracle meeting where more then 350 cars gathered in 2009. In Taiwan E34 Club, Mr.K and his friends plan annual meeting in November or december every year. They said they are planning the meeting this year now. I really want to join.....
それと、「E34 Cub」と「Club of The E34」のエンブレム。
And the emblems of "E34 Cub" and "Club of The E34".
「E34 Cub」のほうはキドニーグリルに、「Club of The E34」はトランクリッドに付けるようになっている。Mr.Kさん、ありがとう!
"E34 Cub" is to be installed into kidney grille while "Club of The E34" is to be pasted on trunk lid. Thank you, Mr.K!今回の出張ではうまく空き時間ができて、念願の台湾E34クラブメンバーにお会いすることができた。DDはE34を降りてしまったが、台湾のE34クラブメンバーと話をすると、ちょっと「そのまま乗っておけばよかったかなぁ・・・」と思ってしまう。また、今回、最も残念だったのはMr.Kさんに会えなかったことだ。
In this business trip, I got a vacant time by chance and I could see some of Taiwan E34 Club members. I already parted with my E34 but when I talked with Taiwan E34 Club members I regret I would keep it. The most unfortunate thing in this time was that I could not see Mr.K.既にE34を降りてしまったDDを熱烈歓迎していただいた、Mr.Kさんをはじめとする台湾E34クラブメンバーの方々に感謝する。日本に来られる機会があれば、是非とも声をかけていただきたい。
I very much appreciate kindness of not only Mr.K but also Taiwan E34 members who very much welcomed DD, who already parted with my E34. I hope they let us know in advance if they have a chance to visit to Japan.